Since traveling and discovering historical places known to man, Lalibela has always been one of the top choices!
Lalibela is home to the spectacular and architectural wonder of 11 medieval Rock-hewn Churches. Unesco included them on the original World Heritage list in 1978, a list of then only 12 sites.
The first European to see these churches was the Portuguese explorer Pêro da Covilhã (1460–1526). Portuguese priest Francisco Álvares (1465–1540), accompanied the Portuguese Ambassador on his visit to Dawit II in the 1520s. He describes the unique church structures as follows: ”I weary of writing more about these buildings, because it seems to me that I shall not be believed if I write more… I swear by God, in Whose power I am, that all I have written is the truth”. (Source Wikipedia).
The Nortwestern group
1. Bete Medahne Alem
2. Bete Mariam
3. Bete Mikael and Bete Gologota
4. Bete Meskael
5. Bete Denagel
Southeastern group
6. Bete Emanuel
7. Bete Merkorious
8. Bete Aba Libanos
9. Bete Lehem
10. Bete Gabriel-Rufael
11. Bete Giorgis (the most spectacular one, image below).
We suggest
- Start by exploring the Rock-Hewn Churches on the first day of your arrival.
- Rest before dinner.
- The next day, continue to see the rest of the rock-hewn churches, before a good lunch under our breezy garden.
- Use the rest of your stay to do a short excursion out of Lalibela, for example, a long walk to Asheten Mariam or a drive to Yemerehane Kiristos and Nakutoloab, another three spectacular churches. And the trip to get there is simply breathtaking! If you have time and want to do more? Ask us for ideas.
Events and festivities not to miss
- Ethiopian Christmas 6-7 January.
- Ethiopian Epiphany (Timket) 19 January.
- Ashenda, (in connection with Ethiopian New Year 12 September).